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“To tantalise the taste buds of a kid’s imagination one needs fun and a giant leap of faith!”


The story of a short-legged Dachshund who uses her nose to find the ocean for a lost penguin.


The message: we all have a special gift.

Warthog saves the Marulas/2023

Set in the African bush, Zoe the warthog challenges the elephant who is tearing off branches of a special Marula tree. She offers an alternative solution.


The message: Sharing is caring.

Kittyhawk, the horse who loved hats/2000

Kittyhawk is an imaginary horse who yearns to own a hat like the scarecrow.

She travels the world, collecting many hats and returns to her farm with them.


The message: Follow your dreams.

Verses in rhyme.




A polocrosse pony who is stolen. His special skill in jumping into the bakkie saved his life.
